Hello Again SCCSFA Members,
This is Patrick Kohler, I’m writing to let you know about the 2nd Workday at the Outdoor Archery Course where I am heading its restoration as my Eagle Scout Project.
The second workday is scheduled for Saturday, June 15th, at 9 o’clock and go until about 1 PM. We need volunteers help with the continuing efforts to remove and replace the target foam; assemble and install new roofs for the targets, and install distance markers.
Signing up is as easy as clicking the Register Button to let us know you will be available to volunteer. We are hoping for at least twenty volunteers to register.
For parking, please use the SCCSFA parking lot on Byrd Road next to the entrance to the Outdoor Archery Course. Please bring your own work gloves, ear protection, and eye protection. Also, if you can, bring a wheelbarrow, lawn and garden tools, like a rake, shovel, and pruners, this will be a huge help.
Water will be provided.
We look forward to seeing you!
Patrick Kohler