- 1. A bow with “nocked” arrows must always be pointed in a safe direction.
- 2. No nocking of arrows while others are downrange.
- 3. All archers must shoot from the same shooting line.
- 4. All archers must pull their arrows from targets at the same time.
- 5. Children under the age of 18 must be supervised by an adult.
- 6. Only paper targets, posted on bales can be used on all ranges.
- 7. Indoor archers musts supply their own targets. They must be removed and properly disposed of when finished shooting.
- 8. Do not walk through the outdoor archery course in reverse order.
- 9. Any arrows found on the archery range are to be left in the Association Clubhouse.
- 10. No broadheads are to be used on any archery ranges.
- 11. No firearms or air guns are to be use on any archery ranges.
- 12. Crossbows may be used on all archery ranges.
- 13. Keep your shooting area cleaned at all times.
- 14. Lock all doors, windows, and turn off all lights and heater before you leave Association property.