Southern Chester County SportSmen's and FARMERS' ASSOCIATION

Southern Chester County Farmer and Sportsman Association will be hosting the Penna. State Archery
Southeastern Regional Target Championship 
on June 7th and June 8th, 2025.

Guests will be able to participate, but if you join PSSA you will be eligible for awards.  There are many classes that will accommodate your shooting style.

   For more information, go to

Archery Ranges:

The Archery facilities include a well lit, 16 lane, 20 yard indoor range and a 14 target, 10 to 80 yard outdoor Archery course.  

  Archery Rules:  
  • 1. A bow with “nocked” arrows must always be pointed in a safe direction.
  • 2. No nocking of arrows while others are downrange.
  • 3. All archers must shoot from the same shooting line.
  • 4. All archers must pull their arrows from targets at the same time.
  • 5. Children under the age of 18 must be supervised by an adult. 
  • 6. Only paper targets, posted on bales can be used on all ranges.
  • 7. Indoor archers musts supply their own targets.  They must be removed and properly disposed of when finished shooting.
  • 8. Do not walk through the outdoor archery course in reverse order.
  • 9. Any arrows found on the archery range are to be left in the Association Clubhouse.
  • 10. No broadheads are to be used on any archery ranges.
  • 11. No firearms or air guns are to be use on any archery ranges.
  • 12. Crossbows may be used on all archery ranges.
  • 13. Keep your shooting area cleaned at all times.
  • 14. Lock all doors, windows, and turn off all lights and heater before you leave Association property.

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