Stop the Bleed - Save a Life
Cost: Free
Registration required! - Max Limit 25 people
Members only (must be 17 years or older)
The Stop the Bleed program originated as a response to the Sandy Hook tragedy in 2012 and the Hartford Consensus. It was identified that manmade (accidental injury related to car crashes, work and home injuries) or mass casualty events can result in life threatening bleeding. This level of bleeding, if left unattended, can result in death. By providing civilian bystanders the skills and basic tools to stop uncontrolled bleeding in an emergency situation, lives could be saved.
Using a defined curriculum developed by the American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma, Stop the Bleed focuses on the immediate response to bleeding, recognizing life threatening bleeding and demonstrating appropriate ways to stop the bleeding. Under the direction of an instructor, participants will be divided into small groups for hands-on activities covering direct pressure application, wound packing and tourniquet application, after the lecture portion.
There is a 1 instructor (Main Line Health employees, county EMS staff, and/or law enforcement partners) to 7 participants ratio.
The entire program runs approximately 1.5 hours.
Additional information can be found at
Contact person for questions regarding the class:
Lisa Eckenrode
Paoli Hospital Trauma Outreach